Whether you’re an aspiring 房地产经纪人 or an established agent considering leveling up to become a real estate broker, you want to know how much you could make as 加州的房地产经纪人.
好消息是? 加州相对较高的价格点意味着更高的佣金. 结果, 加州房地产经纪人的平均工资 is around $200,000 per year, one of the highest 房地产经纪人 salaries in the nation.
好消息是? As 加州的房地产经纪人, you have control over your earning potential. You get to choose how and when you work based on your preferences and priorities.
Let’s look at some more details about how much 房地产经纪人s make in California.
考虑到加州的房价中位数是600美元,000–$700,000范围, 加州的房地产经纪人有很多赚钱的机会.
即使你没有来自高端市场的客户, the sheer volume of active buyers and sellers in California produces a huge need for 房地产经纪人s with expertise across price points and niches.
The average salary of 加州的房地产经纪人 varies depending on experience, 位置, 以及成功的程度. California 房地产经纪人s can earn significantly more, even as a part-time 房地产经纪人. 在竞争激烈的市场,比如洛杉矶或旧金山, 他们很有可能获得六位数的收入.
Some factors that affect the average real estate income for first-year 房地产经纪人s in California are:
- 你第一年的营销预算
- 你的经纪人在你所选择的市场上的声誉
- 你的佣金与你的经纪人平分
- 你是否有导师
- 不管你是兼职还是全职
- 你的人脉和社交技巧
- 你在哪个城市工作
- 以及你对当地市场和/或利基市场的了解
也就是说, 最近的调查 found that the average beginning 房地产经纪人 in California earns approximately $53,000, 哪个涨到200美元以上,在他们职业生涯的第4年到第10年之间.
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Real estate agents in California typically earn commissions based on the sale of properties. Although it can vary, the commission rate is generally around 5–6% of the final sale price. So, 如果一个房子卖800美元,000—slightly under the median house price in California—the commission for the sale could be between $40,000元及48元,000英镑.
然而,一个代理不能保留所有这些. 因为佣金是由买方和代理商平分的, 卖方代理, 以及各自的经纪公司, the actual amount earned by each agent is less than half of the overall commission rate.
一旦考虑到这些分歧,最终的结果更像是2比2.买方代理和卖方代理各付销售价格的5%. Going back to the $800,000 sale example, the expected income would be around $16,000 to $20,000.
而佣金率是你薪水的一部分, arguably the most important factor is which California city you’ve chosen to work in. 洛杉矶单户住宅的平均价格在650美元左右,000, 而奥克斯纳德的房价中位数约为330美元,000. 简而言之, it could take twice as many sales in Oxnard to match the salary you could earn in Los Angeles.
Most 房地产经纪人s in California do not receive an hourly wage or salary. Their income is solely through commissions on the sales of properties, as explained above.
While this means that a California real estate salary is not guaranteed or wholly predictable, it does mean that agents have a unique incentive to work hard and close deals, meaning that you can have greater control over your financial situation.
A 最近的调查 found that 房地产经纪人s who work more hours earn more money—especially 房地产经纪人s who work between 51–59 hours. 所以,你对自己的财务状况有一定的控制. 在房地产行业,努力工作会有回报!
Some of the highest paying real estate jobs in California include real estate brokers, 房地产开发商, 物业经理. 房地产经纪人 have an additional level of licensing which requires a minimum of two years of full-time real estate sales experience. 有了更高的许可, 补充责任, 通常是团队管理, 经纪人的薪水通常比代理人高.
Real estate developers also have the potential to earn significant incomes by managing and investing in real estate projects. Property managers who oversee rental properties can also earn competitive salaries in California.
房地产也可以是一份兼职工作. 很明显, 这意味着房地产的潜在收入较低, but this can be a great way to supplement other income or have a flexible job while you focus on other projects, 比如继续深造或者从事新的职业.
当然, the benefits are that part-time work allows one to experience a real estate career without immediately abandoning other sources of income. Starting out part-time may even make it easier to find out which niches and markets you prefer before committing to a career switch.
而一个 兼职代理 可能挣不到全职经纪人那么多, you can still make good money through commissions—and you can do it in a way that fits your schedule. 最大化你的收入, you may want to focus on specific niche markets—such as luxury real estate, 一个你很熟悉的社区, 或者是特定的人口.
通常,房地产经纪人比销售代理挣得多. 然而, 就像一个销售代理, 他们的收入主要依靠销售佣金, meaning that it can be just as variable and uncertain as an agent’s income.
然而, 在你选择这个选项之前, consider the additional responsibilities and education required to become a broker. 你至少需要两年的销售经验, 完成八门大学要求的课程, 并通过笔试. After that, you can apply to the California Department of Real Estate to receive a license.
一个房地产经纪人挣多少钱. 加州的房地产经纪人?
房地产经纪人 通常会获得更高的薪水 比加州的房地产经纪人还多. 而代理商则从房产销售中赚取佣金, brokers may also earn income from fees charged to agents within their brokerage—though brokers also have additional responsibilities, such as usually overseeing a team of agents and other managerial duties.
Brokers also have opportunities to increase their income by managing multiple real estate transactions and expanding their business. On the whole, this gives brokers the potential to earn significantly higher incomes than agents.
The salary of a real estate broker in California can vary based on factors such as experience, 位置, 以及经纪公司的规模. 然而, successful brokers who run their own firms or oversee a team of agents can earn significantly more. 在竞争激烈的市场,比如洛杉矶或旧金山, 表现最好的经纪人可以赚取六位数甚至更高的收入.